Welcome to CelebLoft.com. This website is all about giving you info on famous people, business folks, and other important folks. You’ll find stuff like bios, wikis, and pictures here. Remember, everything on CelebLoft.com is just for learning, not for anything else.

Content Accuracy and Updates

We try our best to make sure the info here is right and up-to-date. But we can’t promise it’s always perfect. Things might change without us telling you, so keep that in mind.

We’re not responsible if something’s wrong or if you do something based on what you read here.

External Links and Third-Party Content

Sometimes we link to other websites or show stuff we don’t control. We put those links here to help you out, but we can’t control what’s on those websites. Just because we link to them doesn’t mean we agree with everything they say. Also, we’re not responsible for what those sites do with your info.

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Everything you see here on CelebLoft.com, like words, pictures, and other stuff, belongs to us or the folks who let us use it. You can’t copy or use any of it without asking first.

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We, the people behind CelebLoft.com, won’t be responsible if anything bad happens because you use our website. This includes things like viruses messing up your computer.


By using our website, you’re agreeing to all the things we’ve said in this disclaimer.

Updates and Amendments

Sometimes we might change things in this disclaimer. If we do, we’ll tell you about it here.

Contact Information

If you need more info or have questions about our disclaimer, just ask us. We’re here to help !