CelebLoft upholds the stipulations of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and honors the intellectual property rights of others. This policy outlines CelebLoft’s approach to addressing allegations of copyright infringement and its procedures for handling DMCA notices.

Reporting Copyright Infringement

If you believe that any content on the CelebLoft website violates your copyright or that of someone you represent, you may submit a DMCA notice to our designated agent. Please provide the following information in writing when filing a DMCA notice:

  • A physical or digital signature of the copyright holder or their agent.
  • A description of the allegedly infringing copyrighted work.
  • The precise URL and location of the infringing content on the CelebLoft website.
  • Your name, address, phone number, and email address for contact purposes.
  • A statement expressing your genuine belief that the use of the material is unauthorized by law or the copyright owner.
  • A declaration that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on their behalf, under penalty of perjury.

Response to DMCA Notices:

Actions Upon receipt of a valid DMCA notification, CelebLoft will take appropriate action, which may include:

  • Removing or blocking access to the infringing content.
  • Notifying the user responsible for the infringing content.
  • Allowing the user to submit a counter-notification in compliance with the DMCA.
  • Failure to receive a legitimate counter-notification within the specified timeframe will result in the permanent removal of the infringing content from the website.


If you believe that your work was wrongly removed from the CelebLoft website due to a DMCA complaint, you may submit a counter-notification. Please include the following information when submitting a counter-notification:

  • A written or digital signature.
  • A description of the removed or restricted content, including the URL.
  • Your name, address, phone number, and email address for contact purposes.
  • A statement affirming your good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled due to an error or misidentification, under penalty of perjury.
  • A declaration consenting to accept service of process from the party who filed the DMCA notice or their agent and agreeing to the jurisdiction of the federal court in your district.
  • Send your counter-notification to our designated agent at the provided address.

Repeated Offenders

CelebLoft may terminate the accounts of users deemed to be repeat infringers of copyright, as necessary to comply with DMCA regulations.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this DMCA policy, please contact our designated agent using the provided details. For other inquiries, please utilize the Contact Us page.

CelebLoft is committed to protecting the rights of copyright holders and adhering to the DMCA. Your cooperation in maintaining a secure and ethical online environment is greatly appreciated.